Thursday, 17 November 2011

Quantitative Audience Research

I have created a Quantitative Questionnaire in which all the questions have closed answers to fit in with the heading, quantitative research being found. Below is the Questionnaire which i created in word document, that then got handed out to people around and in the location of whittlesey with mixed age groups answering. The results were then put into excel and graphs and analysis was able to be made from this.

Questions were asked to random people around the school and people in the town centre of Whittlesey, this ensured that the results were fair and unbiased.



From looking at the results of my graph and data collected you can tell that the number of males and females who answered the questions worked out to be equal meaning that my target audience responses will be equally divided.


Looking at the results, you can easily identify that most of the people who answered my questionnaire fit into the age category '18-24,' with the age category '17 and under' following closely behind. Our questionnaire was asked to all varied different age groups in order for us to prevent retrieving a biased set of results. After analysing these results, I can come to the conclusion that film trailers are most commonly viewed by people that fit into the age category of '18-24,'  this tells me, that i should aim the film trailer at the younger audience. 


Approximately 2/3rds of the people in my sample believe that key points of a film should be conveyed through titles. This is a common film trailer convention used with any genre film trailers. I should definitely consider using titles to convey key points of my film in my film trailer, to ensure that my film trailer will be satisfactory to existing trailers.  


The answer for this questions were mixed however the same font was the largest proportioned question answered the most, this tells me that the audience don't want to be confused with different fonts and like a smart presentation, this will be taken into consideration when creating the trailer. The fact that the answers are all spread out and nearly equal, tells me that this information is not a certain must and need for a film trailer.


The results of this question tells me that the audience want to be told the name of the film at the end or towards the end of the film trailer, this seems to be, as the audience want climax and action to take place first to get them into the trailer and then the film in which all of this action or happenings are taking place will be revealed and stuck in their head at the end.


This question has a narrow favourite answer which is a voice over. An internal Monologue narration from a character is then closely second telling me that the audience like both of these features in a film trailer.


This answer shows me clearly that the audience want a soundtrack in their film trailer and see it as very vital and important to attracting audiences to watch the film.

This answer is also clear for me in what the audience want, which is a basic and obvious piece of information which gives them the details of when the film is released and able for viewing. The audience see this as a key aspect to have in a film trailer.


Asking this question has allowed me to see that the audience want both a soundtrack and the use of effects in their film trailers, this tells me that this would be a good feature to use in my film trailer and if i want to attract the most audience then this is what i would have to do.


The results of this show the least interest in option 'their name placed over footage from within the film' and equal interest in the remaining three options. This gives myself a option of 3 different techniques, all popular with the audience. Different styles and techniques will have to analysed to choose the correct option for my film trailer.


All three choices are very common techniques used in film trailers for any genre of film. From obvservation you can see that most of the people in my sample like to see a film trailer that builds to a climax where it ends, closely followed by being structured around the most appealing aspects of the film.  With all of these techniques being common conventions of film trailers, it would make sense for myself to try incorporate all three techniques into the film trailer that i am going to make. Although this will be my aim, after analysing the results from this question i feel that i should focus mainly on involving the two choices into our film trailer that were most selected.


This questions results seem to suggest that people when watching a film trailer would they like to see a basic narrative structure of the film, this is so that they can enroll into the trailer and understand the basic storyline to give them a good idea of what the film will be about and after watching the film trailer, whether or not it is a film they want to see.


After analysing each question from my questionnaire thoroughly, I can come to the conclusion that i now understand more about what an audience wants to see in a film trailer for any genre of film. I feel that i have a wide knowledge of what conventions are commonly used in existing media products, and which of these an audience prefers. I will now be able to consider the use of these techniques in my own media product in order for my media products to compete with what is already out there on offer, and  meet the audiences expectations of a film trailer. This will hopefully cause myself to create a sucessful film trailer that meets its purpose. 

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